Refund Policy
Hassle-Free Returns
We not only guarantee the quality of our products, we also guarantee your satisfaction. If you are not 100% satisfied with your order, be assured that, with your assistance, we will resolve the problem quickly and easily. We will promptly issue a refund, credit, or replacement – whichever you prefer. However, we do not refund any special order items or shipping charges.
To ensure that your returns are handled quickly and effectively, please be prepared to provide the order number, invoice number, and a brief reason for the return. Please follow the brief instructions and requirements listed below:
1. Customer Service must approve all returns and will do so by issuing a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number, which must be marked on the outside of each box. To obtain an RMA number, please call us at 1-858-461-9848 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday.
2. To receive full credit, you must contact Customer Service within 60 days of the invoice date. No credit or returns are allowed after 60 days.
3. No returns will be accepted for special order items.
Damaged Packages
We go to great lengths to ensure that your order is correct, properly packaged, and well protected. Despite our best efforts, damage sometimes occurs during transit. If any of your items are damaged, please contact us immediately so that we can assist you.